Thrive with the Sun on 1.26 Acres only $100 monthly

The Navajo Nation would make an excellent getaway! Now’s your chance to grab warm days and sunny skies on a budget! Escape to silence and freedom at a truly amazing price and reap the rewards of your investment! This 1.26-acre property is just perfect for evenings spent on the ATV or taking a trip throughout the county in your RV. Visit the Tepees and plan a day full of festivities in your spare time! Hike, take pictures or just make it a learning experience!

Here’s your chance to be bold and create your own version of happiness now! Make it a phenomenal experience and build your forever home or use as your secret hideaway! It’s time to take advantage of warm days and endless blue skies with this special offer. This deal won’t last long. Message me now for more info!

Property Info

Parcel number: 105-56-306

County: Navajo

State: Arizona

GPS Coordinates:

NW 35.02874, -110.01516

NE 35.02874, -110.01462

SE 35.02782, -110.01462

SW 35.02782, -110.01517

Price: $2,549.00

Down Payment: $100

Monthly Payment: $100 for 30 months